Saturday, September 22, 2007

We're still here!

Yes, we're still here. Work has been crazy hectic for me the past 2 weeks (yes, I know I sound like a broken record, but it's even been worse than usual!). Plus, we've just been chugging through our normal routine with work, school, church, etc., with no real inspiration for blogging material.

So, we'll direct you to Aunt Erin's blog, because they've had all the recent excitement for our family. Yes, Baby Cousin Bridger is here! He arrived unexpectedly on Saturday, September 15 - just one day shy of Granddad's birthday. Just like Elizabeth, he was born at 36weeks, 2days, but was still big and healthy (almost 8 pounds - yowza!). Mommy and baby are doing great. We can't wait until we get to visit them in October!

Jonathan and David went on an overnight camping trip last Friday at Red River Gorge with some of the guys from Jonathan's youth group at church. They had a great time. Elizabeth and I took advantage of the time for a girl's outing to Mad Potter with some of my friends and their related children. She had fun making handprints and painting, and really liked spending time with the older kids there.

(Notice the brush is in her left hand - it's becoming more and more prominent for her.)

Other than that, most of the little free time we've had lately has been dedicated to getting ready for our church's Spiritual Emphasis week (a new-age revival), which will take place this week, Sept. 23-27, with the goal to get "Closer to Jesus." We're really excited about everything that's been going on in our church in preparation for this, and feel like it will be an amazing experience. David will be singing in a men's quartet on Sunday night, then we'll both be singing in a Praise Team on Monday and in the choir on Thursday. In between all that, I have to go to Indianapolis on Tuesday for an arbitration, then I have a daylong deposition scheduled for Wednesday. Hopefully, I'll have more time to breathe after this week is over!


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