Sunday, August 12, 2007

Retraction of retraction

Well, we think Elizabeth is officially potty trained now (minus a few small accidents here and there), so we are retracting our retraction. She developed a renewed interest in using the potty while we were visiting Cousin Brooke. Then, David really started encouraging it while her Mommy's (Daddy's) Morning Out program was on break this week. She's been wearing only panties for a week, and even went accident-free in church for 4 hours this morning. What a big girl!

Jonathan's home from his summer travels and starts back to school (8th grade) tomorrow. It's hard to believe he'll be in high school next year! Come to think of it, it's hard to believe he's almost 14! Elizabeth is really glad to have her big brother home. (We're really glad to have him home, too, of course!) She continues to run up and give him random hugs and kisses. I'm not sure what she's going to do when he goes back to school!

We got Elizabeth a sandbox to go under the fort on her swingset. She likes to play in it, but remains concerned about getting dirty. Those two things don't really mesh, so we're hoping she'll stop being so anal soon.

Elizabeth and I had a fun "girl's" morning on Saturday, which included a trip to the Dollar Store, where we discovered fun "paint with water" books, and a fun visit to the Y swimming pool. Poor Daddy was stuck doing yardwork again, but he seemed to enjoy that too!


At 3:38 PM, August 13, 2007, Blogger Erin said...

Brooke would be happy to show her how to get over her reluctance to get dirty, too!


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