Thursday, July 05, 2007

Bouncing back

Elizabeth's doing really well. The swelling on her lip has gone down a lot, and she just had a little tenderness today while eating and drinking.

This evening, we got out the "poppers," since she didn't get to play with them last night. She really loved throwing them on the ground, and then stomping on the ones that didn't pop.

We're waiting until Jonathan gets home from camp tomorrow night to light the rest of the fireworks we purchased. Everyone in our neighborhood will still be setting fireworks off for the next week or so (much to our chagrin as we try to sleep), so we might as well join in the fun!


At 11:28 AM, July 06, 2007, Blogger KyTexBeth said...

I'm guessing they haven't outlawed fireworks in your neighborhood yet! It's a good thing Elizabeth's not scared by the noise. Y'all just BE CAREFUL setting those things off!


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