Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Her first "big" boo-boo

Well, our fourth of July didn't end as well as it began.... We had a nice time catching up with friends at Carolyn's party - until Elizabeth decided to roll off the couch and do a faceplant on her hardwood floors. She split her lip - and managed to almost give Mommy a heart attack in the process with all the blood! Fortunately, one of our friends was a nurse and she was able to help us stop the bleeding and assess it quickly. It doesn't look like any permanent harm has been done (not even any loose teeth!), but I have a feeling she's going to look like she was on the losing end of a boxing match for a few days.

Just this morning, we told Elizabeth she couldn't get a band-aid for a boo-boo unless there was blood. So, she quickly reminded us of that on the way home. Of course, we couldn't really get a band-aid to stick to this boo-boo, but we did give her a Dora band-aid on her knee to cheer her spirits!


At 8:32 AM, July 05, 2007, Blogger KyTexBeth said...

Ouch----I'm sure you're glad that didn't happen right before her portrait day!

At 10:07 AM, July 05, 2007, Blogger amy said...

What a face! That's pitiful...


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