The competitive spirit
For those of you who know my family, you know that we are quite competitive - to put it mildly. The Waggener household is the only one that I know of where board and card games can (and have) within a matter of minutes turn into shouting, throwing, and possibly punching matches. And, I'm not just talking about when we were kids. In fact, I distinctly remember a card game at Erin's house a few years ago.... ah, but I digress. The main point is that our father has instilled in us the competitive Waggener gene, and both of my sisters and I inherited strong versions of it. In fact, my competitiveness was well developed by the young age of 4, when I taught myself to read just so Amy wouldn't be able to do something that I couldn't.
Well, as it turns out, Elizabeth is not only a Bridger...she's definitely got some Waggener in her also! Forget the books, potty seats, big girl panties, sticker charts, jelly beans, Dora toys, etc. Turns out there was no reason for any of that. The only thing we needed to do to get Elizabeth potty trained was to use the magic phrase: "Cousin Brooke is wearing her big girl panties now." Sure enough, the day after I told her this, Elizabeth woke up last Saturday morning and refused to wear anything but her big girl panties. We had a few accidents over the next couple of days, but now, a week later, and we're 3 days accident-free. It appears that Elizabeth is fully potty trained (except while sleeping, of course)! Woo hoo! Let the celebration begin!
And, thanks for providing the incentive, Cousin Brooke! Keep up the good work!
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