Friday, May 18, 2007

Hello? Anybody out there?

Blogs are unique things. They seem so innocuous as you quietly type out your entry, post some pictures, and press the "Publish" button. I've always thought of it as a simple, fun way to share some of our daily life with our friends and family that are far away. And, to be honest, I always assumed the only people logging on were the few that actually told me they were.

Then, an on-line friend of mine taught me about Google Analytics. It's a fun little website that will track the visitors to any website. So, I set it up on my blog, just for kicks. And, I have to admit, as a math geek, I find the information pretty interesting. For instance, I now know that in the last 3 months, our "private" online universe has been viewed 1,176 times by 96 different people. Wow! In that same time period, someone from almost every continent, and several from cities and countries I've never even heard of, have visited. Of course, most of these are obviously random hits from Blogger, which should be expected, I guess. For some reason, Blogger automatically posts the last few blogs updated on their homepage everytime you log on, so I guess odds would have it that our blog would have randomly shown up on some computers with weirdos who are not able to resist a blog title with our last name in it. (Ick!) And, based on the amount of time most of them spend on our blog, I assume they just check in long enough to realize they're not interested, then disappear to their sick little worlds again. And, what really prompted this post were the google searches that led people to our site. Apparently, "my tonsils" and "tonsillectomy" are making me world-famous (or really disappointing several people). Along the same line, I'm guessing the person who googled "kissing [insert our last name here]" was really not expecting pictures of our 2-year-old. (Double Ick!)

Oh well, regardless of what brings everyone here, however misguided, I'm going to continue my blog. Mainly because I think my little girl is just too adorable to not share with the rest of the world! :) Happy blogging, everyone! And, feel free to leave a comment so we know you're out there!

Oh - and on another tangent - Aunt Beth and Robyn definitely receive our Loyal Reader Award. Since Robyn moved back home, Houston has by far become our largest viewing city. In fact, they beat Lexington 3:1. Glad to know someone's keeping up!


At 12:46 PM, May 18, 2007, Blogger robyn watson said...

i'm here. in case you were wondering. i need to set up google analytics on my blog. not that i'd get much of anything interesting from it...
looking forward to seeing y'all in a few weeks! i know my mom is even more anxious to see y'all since she hasn't seen elizabeth or brooke in nearly a year!

At 12:52 PM, May 18, 2007, Blogger KyTexBeth said...

Yes, we are loyal, if nothing else! Keep up the blogging. It keeps us connected when we're far, far, away in the wasteland of Houston!

At 1:03 PM, May 18, 2007, Blogger amy said...

I check it everyday! How about some love for Arkansas!


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