Friday, April 27, 2007

Countdown to ice cream

I'm getting my tonsils out this afternoon. Ick! Hopefully, it will get rid of the horrible sore throats I've been having once and for all. The recovery is supposed to be pretty rough for adults. I can't eat any solid food or exercise at all (including lift Elizabeth) for 2 weeks, and I'm not allowed to go to work next week. Because of that, I've been working like crazy these last 2 weeks so I'll have enough to keep me busy while working at home this next week (there is no such thing as "time off" with my job!). After that, I'll have one more week of "light" duty (i.e., no roofs, attics, or crawlspaces) before things hopefully return to normal. Of course, there's always a bright side - lots and lots of ice cream!

Wish me luck!


At 8:21 AM, April 27, 2007, Blogger KyTexBeth said...

I hope it goes smoothly for you. Guess you'll be tired of Jell-O when it's all over!


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