Friday, March 30, 2007

Making S'mores

Tonight, David and Jonathan built a fire and we all roasted hot dogs for dinner and marshmallows for S-mores. It was a lot of fun!

Elizabeth really liked roasting and eating the marshmallows. She wasn't too sure about the whole S'more combination though. I think it was just too sticky and messy for her OCD personality. So, of course, I was happy to oblige by eating her chocolate for her! Guess that's one more thing we'll have to work on before she heads to camp!

And, here's a picture that clearly shows why we can't tell Elizabeth to smile or say cheese for the camera now:

Guess we're going to have to resort to corny jokes from here on out!


At 10:38 AM, April 02, 2007, Blogger KyTexBeth said...

Personally, I think the super-sticky-chocolate smile is adorable!


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