Random ramblings
Elizabeth is so funny to listen to now. You can never guess what's going to come out of her mouth. We spend a lot of time laughing at her thought processes and expressions. Here are some recent samples:
Anytime we tell her something is "all gone" now, like food or drink, she'll say "Wal-Mart?" I guess she's figured out on her own that you can get anything there! They were cracking up about it on Sunday in the church nursery because she said it when they told her the goldfish crackers were all gone.
She's also obsessed with counting ears now. She's figured out that Scar - our poor adopted stray kitty - only has one ear:

While Scarlet - the spoiled indoor kitty who bites - has two ears:

She's spent a lot of time talking about poor Scar and her boo-boo. So far, she's asked me to kiss it to make it all better, and she's told me that Daddy will fix it (of course - can't Daddies fix anything?).
As a result, lately she's started going around and counting ears....
"Mommmy...ears...one-two. Lyra...ears...one-two. Baby Bop...ears...one-two..." Her counting skills are also improving. She can consistently make it all the way to 4 now. And, she got to combine the two skills when she put 4 ears on her Mr. Potato Head, then counted them all.
Potty update - Elizabeth is still doing really well on the potty. She uses it several times a day, both pee-pee and poo-poo, and will now go as soon as we put her on it. We're still a long way from trained, though, because she still goes in her diapers pretty often.
For some reason, she wanted to talk about poo-poo a lot tonight. We had a whole conversation that basically consisted of repeats of these thought-provoking facts:
"Poo-poo...potty....no mouth...yuck! Cookies...mouth...yummy."
Can't argue with her there!
Jonathan did really well on his 30-hour fast this weekend. He said he didn't even get hungry. I'm not sure I could have done so well! And, his youth group ended up raising over $5000 to feed hungry children throughout the world. Great job!
He has a project due in Social Studies tomorrow, so he's spent all evening taping popsicle sticks into a replica of the Trojan Horse. I definitely don't miss those days!
He's also trying out for the Track team at school this week. For some reason, I can't convince him to get up at 6am to run with me in the mornings, though.
Work has been incredibly hectic and tiring for me this month. I've had several overnight trips, and am about to leave on one more tomorrow night. Hopefully, this will be the last one for a while!
If you're gonna talk potty, you need to use the appropriate terms. It's not pee-pee and poo-poo, it's tinkle and stinky. How do you expect her to get out of diapers if she doesn't know the right words? Seriously, I love your stories---keep it up!
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