Friday, August 31, 2007

Passed my test

I got the results from my genetic blood testing for the breast cancer gene this week - and they're NORMAL! What a relief!

The geneticist stressed that I'm not completely off the hook, since we haven't been able to nail down the genetic mutation within our family, therefore they don't know if it's something that hasn't been discovered yet. But, a negative result means that my risk of breast cancer now drops from as high as 80% to 20-30% (with a "normal" person's risk being 12%). She also said that a negative result means I have no increased risk for ovarian cancer now (since that has never run in our family...we just have bad boobs).

Of course, I only had a few minutes to enjoy that news until the high-risk GYN came in and told me the radiologist had misinterpreted my mammogram reading based on my family's risk. The mammogram showed some thickening around the biopsy site, which she thought was scar tissue. However, he's not so sure since it didn't show up in the first follow-up mammogram in February. So, he now wants me to go for a breast MRI next month. He went ahead and warned that the MRI gives lots of false positives, so another biopsy may be in my near future....ugh!


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