School changes
Well, only 1 of our 3 "back to school" experiences went as planned this month. We're happy to say that Jonathan has started 8th grade uneventfully. He's even had a little bit of homework - which is probably more than he had for all of 7th grade combined.
Elizabeth and David's school experiences haven't gone as planned this week. Monday was the first day of school for the fall for Elizabeth's Mother's Morning Out program, and David got a nasty surprise when he took her that morning. The director saw him walking in and told him that she wasn't registered - which was a surprise to him, because he DID register her, both online and in a questionnaire they had him fill out last April asking if we were going to come back. She then went on to tell him the class was completely full and had waiting lists, so Elizabeth wouldn't be able to go there. Elizabeth got a little upset as they left because she wanted to stay for "school." He'd also already signed up to start volunteering at the middle school this morning, so he had to cancel that as well.
Well, apparently the director had a complete change of heart and e-mailed him later that day and said that they did have a space for her after all. However, in the meantime, he had called around to other Mother's Morning Out programs and found another one that seemed to fit our situation even better. They meet on Tuesday/Thursday from 9-2 (instead of Mon/Wed from 9-12), which fits David's schedule a little better. Plus, they have a much lower student/teacher ratio and an outdoor playground, which her old place didn't have. And, she's in class with 2-4 year olds, instead of just kids her age, so she can benefit from learning from the older students.
We took her to the new place both days this week, and she seems to really like it. We had to promise she could come back before she would agree to leave with us. It seems like a very smooth transition for her!
In the middle of this, David was supposed to start his first night class at UK on the way to getting his teaching certificate. However, he just found out that Morehead State University offers an accelerated program that would allow him to get his Master's degree and his teaching certificate in less time, while doing mostly Saturday and online classes. They even told him they could get him a teaching job now, and he could work while he was taking classes. Of course, we're not quite ready for that! So, he's decided to drop the UK class he'd signed up for and work on getting registered for Morehead's program, starting classes either in the spring or the fall.
That's our excitement for the week. I have an interview with a potential manager for my office next Tuesday, so keep your fingers crossed that he works out and I can actually move full-time back into production as planned. I'm still doing both jobs right now, and it's getting really old.
Oh, and I also had another mammogram this week. It was supposed to be my final follow-up after my stereotactic biopsy before they put me back on a normal screening rotation. Unfortunately, they saw "thickening" at the site of the biopsy. They said it's most likely scar tissue, but I have to go back again in 6 months for another follow-up mammogram to make sure it's stabilized, since they didn't see it on my first follow-up mammogram in February. If it's grown, they'll do a full biopsy at that time.
I also had my blood drawn for the breast cancer genetic testing two weeks ago and am supposed to get the results next Wednesday. If the results are positive, we're going to go ahead and do the preventive surgery, so all this won't matter anyway. If the results are negative, I guess I try to chill again until February. Please keep that in your prayers as well!
I'm glad things settled out with the school programs, even if it did mean some changes mid-stream!
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