Thursday, August 16, 2007

More videos

We're definitely in the dog days of summer. It's been hot and humid for weeks, and we're starting to really look forward to fall. In other words, typical Kentucky weather for August.

I don't really have any good stories to tell you or great new pictures, but I figured I had to update my blog, since Erin actually updated hers this week, and I can't fall behind... :)

So, I figured I'd share some cute new videos with you. Here's one of Elizabeth "performing" for us at the piano:

And here she is playing "Ring around the Rosey" with her Sesame Street friends:

As you can tell, she still exhibits a lot of enthusiasm whenever she sings, even though the pitch/tune aren't always perfect.

Our Cherub Choir at church (the 3 and 4 year olds) got up during the service a few weeks ago to sing "This Little Light of Mine." However, when they got up there, they all experienced stagefright, so you couldn't hear them sing at all. It was still cute, of course, but for some reason, I don't think Elizabeth will ever have that problem. She loves to belt out her songs for an audience. She usually chooses to do it whenever we're in a checkout line in a store. Of course, I'm worried that she'll get up with the Cherub Choir next year, and refuse to sing anything but the Barney song!


At 11:23 AM, August 18, 2007, Blogger amy said...

Very cute!

If you think it's hot and humid there, try Arkansa, or for that matter, Houston!


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