Happy Father's Day - Take 2
David left early yesterday morning for his Arizona mission trip. It's the second time he's gone on this trip, and I know he'll have a great time, he'll be a great influence on the Apache people he works with, and it will be a truly awesome experience. He'll be gone for 8 days, during which I get to play "single mom" - trying to take care of the house, the kid, and get some work done in the process. I found out last year that this is the best thing he could possibly do to make sure I truly appreciate him and everything he does for me on Father's Day. :)
He got his "real" Father's Day present a few weeks ago - a big, new flat screen TV. But, Elizabeth and I worked up this little tribute for him today.

It's a repeat from last year's present. I thought it would be fun for him to see how much his little girl has grown in the last year. Of course, she's never been one to sit and smile for the camera, so I guess cheesy smiles are as good as he can expect.
Happy Father's Day, sweetheart! Thank you for being such a wonderful husband and father!
I was laughing at her big, cheesy smile in the first picture! That's one you can bring out to really embarrass her on her first date with some boy!
Yeah - the first D and the Y are pretty bad. I had to separate them, because they looked even worse right next to each other! I guess not all of us can have kids as photogenic as yours!
Oh please! Elizabeth is pretty as a picture in every photo! And as you know, the beauty of a digital camera is you can pick the best ones!
Thank yor for the pictures sweetie. Our little girl has grown a lot and I miss both of you very much.
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