Moving on up

Elizabeth had her graduation for her 3-year-old preschool class tonight. It seems a little over the top to "graduate" from preschool, but it was still a cute little ceremony - short and sweet, with all the kids singing several songs together. Elizabeth did really well. She knew at least as many words as the rest of the kids, and sang enthusiastically and made most of the hand gestures. All in all, a very good showing for her. Especially considering the last time she was supposed to sing with her preschool choir at church she just burst into tears!
Since none of the pictures of her from the graduation ceremony really came out, I finally got around to scanning in her adorable school picture from this year, which is shown above, in honor of the occasion.
She also recently had her 4-year-old checkup. She handled the shots bravely, with only minimal tears that subsided when she got to pick out her bandaids and a popsicle. She now weighs 29 pounds and is 38 inches tall, which is 6th percentile for weight and 15th percentile for height. That's actually quite a jump for her, so she must have had a big growth spurt. Still, we anticipate her baby cousin William (who is now 6 months old) passing her up soon in both categories. Based on her growth curve, the doctor estimated she would weigh 102 pounds and be 5'1" when she's full-grown. She recommended we sign her up for cheerleading or gymnastics. It doesn't look like there will be much serious basketball playing in her future, that's for sure!
We've got an exciting summer planned for her. Next Saturday, we leave for a week's vacation at Disney World. After we get back, she'll still be going to her Mother's (Daddy's) Morning Out program 2 days a week and she'll be taking a soccer class and swim lessons. Plus, David is planning to spend a lot of time outdoors and at the pool with her. In between everything, we'll also be spending some more time at Camp Crestridge for the 55th reunion. It will be a fun and busy summer!
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