Maintain the Memories 2009
We had a really great time at Maintain the Memories last weekend (the annual work weekend at Camp Crestridge). I got to catch up with a lot of old friends and their families, we all helped to get a lot of work accomplished, Elizabeth had a fun time playing around camp, and we even got to eat S'Mores. What a great time!
Here is Elizabeth playing on the Chip/Chick playground:
She was also really excited that her arms are now long enough for her to play on the tire swings:
She made it look like so much fun that David even took a turn:
Elizabeth also enjoyed a favorite camp pasttime - playing in the creeks and lake:
At first, she was hesitant about meeting the new bears on the bench that was installed at the beautiful new Bear Trap that day, but she warmed up to them quickly. I think she even gave them their first kiss:
As usual, Jonathan spent most of his free time playing 4-square:
And, in between all the fun, we managed to get some work done. Jonathan, Elizabeth and I helped mulch, and David spent the day painting, mulching and raking.
After a hard day of work and fun, it was nice to sit and relax:
And eat S-mores, of course!
After all the Crestridge fun, we stopped in Pigeon Forge on the way home. On Sunday, we had a great meal at the Apple Barn restaurant, then David and Jonathan had fun in the indoor skydiving place:
After that, we spent the night at a new indoor water park hotel, which was very relaxing and a lot of fun:
Here's a comparison shot from July 2005, so you can see how much our kids have grown in the last 4 years:
The time sure has flown by! In just that short time span again, Elizabeth will be starting camp. That's hard to believe!
Thanks for helping out at MTM this past weekend. I heard that you guys got a lot done and I look forward to seeing the results when I'm over there next week for opening day.
Byron Hill
Executive Director, LifeWay Conference Centers and Camps
Do you really think you can hold her off four more years before she's a camper? She'll be chompin' at the bit and driving you crazy wanting to go to camp!
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