Saturday, May 02, 2009

Birthday letter, v. 4

Elizabeth is on Day 8 of a nasty virus. It started out as queasiness and general lethargy, and morphed into a wicked sore throat and horrible congestion. In deference to the latest news stories, I've nicknamed it the "whine flu."

Elizabeth's 4th birthday is this week (May 6). So, I thought I'd take advantage of her nap this afternoon (definite proof that she's feeling very bad) to write Birthday Letter #4.

Dear Elizabeth,

Here you are, about to turn 4 years old. The last 4 years have flown by! Even though you've been forcing us to call you a "big girl" for some time, you really are one now. I'm amazed everytime I look at you - especially when you sleep. Every night after you fall asleep at bedtime, I gaze at you for a few seconds and am amazed at how big and beautiful you have become. And, every night I selfishly ask God to protect you and watch over you, because I can't imagine my life without you.

I absolutely love everything about this age with you. You have the biggest imagination of anyone I've ever met. You keep us busy with all of your "pretend" games. As soon as I'm home, you enlist me to help you act out movies, shows, or stories you've seen or heard. And, your very best friend in the world, your stuffed cat Shazam, usually figures prominently in everything we do. He's had 3 successful "surgeries" so far to repair holes and torn seams. I hope he makes it through the next ones that I'm sure will come! Although your toys are rarely used as the manufacturers intended them to be, I'm always amazed to see what your mind can turn them into. The possibilities are endless - anything could be turned into snacks for your students, cookies baking in the oven, medicine for a sick toy, etc.

You always make us smile and laugh so much. Our house would be a dreary place without you. We can always count on you to keep us entertained throughout dinner, or in the car - even when you're not trying to. One of the amazing things about you is your constant thirst for knowledge. Just trying to come up with answers to all the questions you ask is a full-time job. I can almost see the wheels spinning in your brain as you try to figure out everything about this wonderful world we live in. It makes me see the world differently too.

I'm kind of scared to have you grow up anymore, because I'm afraid of the days when you won't need me or want me around as much. I love it when you dance around in front of me asking, "Mommy, will you play with me? Will ya? Will ya?" And, your daddy and I cherish all the sweet hugs, kisses, and lovepats you give out so freely. But, I also am looking forward to watching you continue to grow and flourish. You are a very special girl.

Happy Birthday, Libby Lou! I love you!


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