Cousin week

This week, all of the Waggener girls and babies are in Lexington while Neal, David, Jack, and Jonathan are off exploring Washington, D.C. The kids are having so much fun together! As you can imagine, our houses have been pure chaos with them running around, but we've all really enjoyed it. Fortunately, we've had beautiful weather the past few days, so they have spent a lot of time playing outside.
The girls are having a great time playing together. It's been a lot of fun to watch them really start to interact with each other. We've had a few times when they've acted like true siblings (reminding us a lot of me and Amy when we were kids), but for the most part they're getting along great.
Here are some pictures of the dynamic duo:
Brooke and Elizabeth in their matching Kentucky outfits:
Playing together on the swingset:
Having a tea party (or should I say a bean party?):
Feeding the ducks:
Reading with Gran:
Playing dress-up after bathtime:
Bridger is also having a great time. He is full of energy, and loves to chase after balls, the cat and the dog (or the "oof oof", as he calls all dogs).
Tonight, he wanted his own turn at dress-up:
But, even though he does succumb to the temptation of a pink tutu and princess wand every once in a while, he's definitely all rough and tumble boy. Here's a picture of him mowing the lawn:
Baby William really enjoys watching the big kids run around, but his true loves seem to be his Mommy and eating (not necessarily in that order...). Feeding him has become a group effort:
He doesn't seem to care who holds the spoon - as long as it goes in his mouth!
I also have a blackmail picture of him too, wearing Elizabeth's pink sunhat:
These poor boys - they didn't know what they were getting into when they joined the Waggener family!
Bridger didn't take that tutu of his own volition - I know that! See, he is making the secret POW handsignal for "under duress". one more day son! I'm coming!!!!
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