Saturday, May 30, 2009

Strawberry fields

We went to Boyd's Orchard to pick strawberries last night. The strawberry crop this year was fantastic. We came home with a ton of strawberries, which we've been pigging out on all day. Yum!

Jonathan and Elizabeth also had a lot of fun playing at the playground. Elizabeth is getting braver all the time. She's been too scared to try it before, but she absolutely loved the bouncy train last night. And, she even tried out the smaller of the two big slides!

Today, David took Jonathan and a few friends to Louisville to play paintball. It was an end of the year celebration for him. His school year ends on Thursday and he's leaving for Alabama on Friday, where he'll spend the summer with his mom. Elizabeth and I have had a fun girl's day today while the boys were gone. This morning, I took her to get her hair cut, then we did some shopping and went to the mall for lunch and to play on the playground there. The rest of the day we've spent cooking food for our church potluck tomorrow, swimming in the wading pool, and watching Cinderella and The Little Mermaid. (No wonder I'm tired!)


At 9:20 PM, May 30, 2009, Blogger amy said...

So...Jonathan took David and some friend to play paintball? Lucky David!

At 3:25 AM, May 31, 2009, Blogger robyn watson said...

I was gonna be nice and not say anything, but my conscience got the best of me...I'm glad Amy beat me to it.

At 3:21 PM, May 31, 2009, Blogger amy said...

All's fair in love, war and the written word.

At 7:03 PM, June 03, 2009, Blogger KyTexBeth said...

Hey, you need to update your "about us" sidebar with Elizabeth's new 4-year old status!


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