The eternal sidekick

My older sister is 2 years older than I am. While we fought a lot when we were growing up, we also often had no other options around for someone to play with, so we still managed to play together sometimes (for at least 20 minutes or so before the fighting picked up again). During those times, we would often play Batman and Robin, as we were both enamored with the Batman TV show.
I quickly realized yet another drawback of being the younger sister when we played this game. Amy was always Batman...which left me to always be Robin. Now Robin was pretty cool as far as young superheroes in tights go, but let's face it, we all know that Batman was the cool one in that duo. I often dreamed of just once being Batman, but no, Amy had other plans entirely. The roles were cemented when we got Batman/Robin walkie-talkies for gifts...and of course, I got the Robin one. I literally think I went my entire childhood without being Batman once...unless I was playing by myself, of course.
I'm over it now (for the most part), but I'm now experiencing a bitter dose of deja vu as I play with Elizabeth. With Elizabeth and Jonathan being so far apart in age, we essentially have two first-born children. And, Elizabeth has embraced most of the traditional first-born personality characteristics, including the bossy part. Lately, she's been wanting to pretend to be Dora a lot...which means I get to guessed it...Boots. :( Now, Boots is pretty cool as far as monkeys go...but let's face it, we all know that Dora is the cool one in that duo. we go again...

Very funny! My brother and I didn't have that kind of relationship... we mostly just fought, or else just didn't have anything to do with each other. But I did have a best friend back then who had an two sisters. She told me that whenever they used to play Barbies, that her older sister had all the cool Barbie accessories while she was always stuck with makeshift things. For instance, her sister had some sort of special pool for her Barbies, but my friend was always stuck having her Barbie swim in a tupperware dish. :)
Hello. This is Isa. I have a flowery garden. I sing and make my pretty flowers dance. I think I am an iguana but I am not really sure because I look like a miniature dinosaur. I think I will go talk to Tico now.
Thanks for putting it in perspective for me, sweetie. At least I get to be Boots instead of Isa and Tico, like you and Jonathan... :)
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