Playing games
Most of the people in my family are well aware of the "Dead Grandmother" escapade that took place between me and my older sister when we were children. A friend from up the street was visiting Amy, and I desperately wanted to play with them. They told me that they were going to play house, and that the only way I could play with them was if I was the "dead grandmother." That meant I had to lie on the bed while they covered me with a bunch of blankets. Then, I was told that I couldn't move or make a noise, or else I would be out of the game. I laid under those blankets for as long as I could, until the heat and the boredom became too much, then I came out to complain to them that I didn't like being dead after all. Lo and behold, I found out that they had snuck back to the friend's house and left me there! Now, in retrospect, I realize that I may have been perceived by them as just the pesky younger sibling, however I'm not sure that justifies the plan of action they undertook. Of course, perhaps if I hadn't been so gullible, I probably wouldn't have fallen for it in the first place!
Given that background information, I'm sure you can understand my amusement when I came in the other night to find David like this:
Elizabeth was in the hall yelling at him things like, "Daddy, don't move!", Daddy, no talking!" and "Daddy, go to sleep!" I was happy to hear that David wasn't "dead", just being forced to take a nap. :)
In retaliation, later that night, David took this picture of me:
Can anyone guess what game we were playing? Why, hide-and-go-seek, of course!
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