Friday, January 11, 2008

Like Mommy, like Daughter

Elizabeth has defied the common stereotype by becoming not only a "Daddy's Girl" but a "Mommy's Girl" as well. In fact, we've discovered that she actually seems to be the fondest of whoever is not around. If she could choose, she would have both of us with her at all times.

But, she remains a clone of me as a little girl. There's no denying she's a Waggener/Bridger girl, even though her hair takes after David's - it's stick-straight, baby-fine and blonde. If you'd asked me before yesterday, I would have told you that her eyes are the feature that most resembles mine. But, now I'm not so sure. Her ears are now a close second. I'm not talking about the external portions of her ears either - it's more her internal ear canals, to be precise. She seems to have inherited my infection-prone ears, which resulted in ear tube surgery for me, more ear infections than my mother or I could even start to count, and the resultant scarring that's still present.

Yesterday, we had a follow-up appointment with her ear doctor, after another ear infection showed up in her left ear about a week after he told us the tube in her left ear was no longer functional. We didn't think that was a coincidence, and neither did he. In fact, he was so convinced of it, he went ahead and scheduled her for her 2nd ear tube surgery, which we were thankful for, because we're convinced she needs it and didn't want to have to deal with a string of ear infections before he was convinced. She'll go in for the surgery in a couple of weeks. Now we're just hoping that she can make it 2 weeks without another ear infection. That might be difficult, since she has just come down with another cold. Poor thing!

For those of you with high-speed internet access and a little patience, here's another video of Elizabeth reading her favorite book of all times - Barney's Mother Goose. If you watch it, you can play the game, "Guess that Nursery Rhyme" as she zips through several of them for you in Toddler-ese. I just took the video last night, so you can also experience a tissue break in the middle from the aforementioned cold.


At 5:26 PM, January 12, 2008, Blogger KyTexBeth said...

Awesome! I could figure out almost all of the nursery rhymes the first time I watched---I'm sure the rest will be forthcoming when I hear them again.


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