Saturday mornings
Elizabeth has learned the age-old fact that not all days are equal, and Saturday is a treasured day of the week. Of course, Saturday morning cartoons are almost a thing of the past, so that's not the draw for her. And, all too soon she will learn that Saturdays are actually wonderful because school is out. But, until then, I selfishly revel in the fact that she currently loves Saturdays because it means, "Mommy doesn't go to work and stays home all day to play with me!"
Every morning this week, as I went in to wake her up, she asked, "Is today Saturday?" And, I had to sadly tell her, no, it was not Saturday, and yes, I did have to go to work that day. She practically leapt for joy when I told her this morning that it actually WAS Saturday. Then, she proceeded to tell me all the things she wanted me to do with her, as we quickly sat down for the first activity - a private pretend tea party.
And, it was private this morning, because David and Jonathan both spent last night at church as part of the youth group's 30-Hour Famine - a great way to raise money and teen awareness for world hunger. Jonathan participated last year, and David was really excited about volunteering for it this year.
So, while we ate our pretend bread and drank our pretend tea, I was thinking about our boys waking up with their stomachs empty, since they both hadn't eaten since lunchtime yesterday. Then, I started feeling a little bit guilty about not participating in the fast with them. But, you know, I had to keep up my energy to run around with Elizabeth all, I banished those thoughts and went and cooked us the other thing she associates with Saturday mornings - PANCAKES!
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