Saturday, March 08, 2008

The first week in March

I tend to focus on weather patterns more than most people, as my workload fluctuates greatly depending on various weather phenomena. And, over the past 10 years or so, I've noticed that our largest snowfalls have primarily occurred during the first week of March. So, throughout this loooooong, looooooong, very loooooong winter, everytime someone at work would make the comment, "I think we're about to hit spring," I would remind them that we have to make it through the first week in March before I'm convinced. Even when the weather tried to trick us into believing it was spring this past Monday, when it hit temperatures in the 60s, I remained unconvinced.

Sure enough, about mid-week, the weathermen started going nuts, preparing us for a blizzard from the snowstorm heading our way. Fortunately, I can say we didn't actually hit the "blizzard" levels they were predicting. But, we did get a nice 3-4 inches and got to have some fun playing in the snow.

Right before we headed out to go sledding, a friend of ours called us up and convinced us to try a new hill - the one next to the Beaumont Y. It was a great sledding hill, but at the time we were there it was still snowing and the wind was blowing pretty hard, so we didn't enjoy it as much as we would have under better conditions. Poor Elizabeth fell asleep in the car on the way over, and after we realized the conditions weren't going to be very amenable for her, we actually let her sleep through it all.

She awoke when we got home, and was disappointed that she hadn't gotten to go sledding, but we promised we'd take her sledding tomorrow before all the snow melted. And, she was completely over it when she still got to have her hot chocolate and marshmallows!

This was my kind of snow - it happened on a Friday night, so the kids didn't miss any more school. (Other than letting out of school 2 hours early, which was completely unnecessary. But, at least they don't have to make that up!) Plus, since we woke up to the snow on Saturday morning, it meant I actually got to play in it too, instead of having to work and see the pictures when I got home. Finally, it's supposed to be back in the '40s and '50s for the rest of the week, so it will melt quickly. Then, hopefully, spring will be here to stay. I am definitely ready for it!


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