Family pics

When my dad asked me in December if we wanted to do a family shoot when everyone was here in January, I have to admit I was less than thrilled. I agreed, but I was very hesitant - but not without good reason. You see, I have a good memory. In fact, I remembered the LAST time Erin and I got the great idea of dressing the girls up and trying to get professional pictures taken. SCARY. Nothing worse than trying to get 2 little bundles of energy to sit still and make some semblance of a smile for the camera. Oh yeah - there is something worse - adding a THIRD baby into the mix - little Bridger. But, we acquiesced.
There was only one morning in the week that Amy and Neal and Erin's family were here that worked for the photo shoot. We were not planning on Jonathan being able to make it, because it was during a school day, but the weather actually cooperated and we had a snow day on that day. (Yes, the one time in this entire long winter of rain/snow/ice that it worked in our favor.)
I won't say it was fun. The girls (especially Elizabeth) still weren't interested in sitting still. And they definitely weren't interested in sitting still AND smiling at the same time. But, they managed to get some good shots, and I am very pleased to have the pictures (now that it's over with, of course)!
Here are some of the group shots:

And the best pics of the 3 little ones:

And my 2 favorite pictures of all (yes, I'm a tad bit biased):

If anyone's interested, I've uploaded a bunch of the photos to my Snapfish account, where you can order reprints for very cheap. Just click here.
Thanks, Dad and Pat, for getting us to go through with it, and for the photo CD!