This week has been very hectic at work, so I haven't even had a chance to update on our trip to Arkansas last week!
As most of you know, we were very nervous about the trip, based on Elizabeth's past travel experiences. But, she surprised us all by having a great trip. She made it through both 12-hour drives with very minimal fuss, and she even slept through the nights in the hotel room. We were very grateful, because the sleep we got allowed us to enjoy the trip so much more! It's amazing what a few months have done to improve her ability to adapt while traveling.
We got to Eureka Springs on Thursday evening, so we had all day on Friday to visit with family and to explore the town. We spent the morning driving the "historic loop" around the town and walking around the shops on the main street. There were natural springs scattered throughout town that were all beautifully landscaped, plus we really enjoyed looking at the restored Victorian buildings. Here's a picture of Jonathan climbing on some rocks by one of the springs:

And here's Elizabeth sitting with my dad in front of one of the shops:

And eating gummy bears from the old-fashioned candy store. Yum!

Grandad and Granny Pat gave her the necklaces and bracelets. She wouldn't take them off the entire weekend! (Except for during the actual wedding when they were...ummmm....conveniently "lost".)
After that, we hooked up with Jack (Amy's new stepson) and headed to see the Big Cats at the Wildlife Refuge.

It was pretty hot by that time, so most of the animals were sleeping. But, the kids enjoyed playing on the swing set:

Then, we all headed back to the hotel to get ready for the rehearsal dinner. It was held at a wonderful German/Czech restaurant. We were especially excited to have Cousin Brooke (and her parents) join the party:

The next morning, we got up and Erin, Amy, Robyn, Shannon (Amy's friend from college) and I went to watch Amy get her hair done. Then, we all went back to get dressed and head for the big occasion. Amy looked absolutely beautiful in her dress...and still managed to give last minute instructions to the rest of us! Once a minister, always a minister... :)

Here's a good picture showing off the back of her dress.

She looked so beautiful, and David even commented afterward that he had never seen her look so "joyous." Oh yeah, and Neal looked pretty smart himself:

While we were finishing up the last-minute touches, Brooke and Elizabeth were getting along well:

And Aunt Beth was playing some beautiful hammered dulcimer music. Finally, everyone was there, and Amy walked in, and...the rest is history! The service was beautiful and the minister, who was a close friend of both Amy and Neal, did a wonderful job.
Don't tell Aunt Amy, but I think Elizabeth's favorite part of the whole thing was getting to throw rocks in the lake after the ceremony:

Either that, or the automatic bubble machine at the reception!

No, wait...I completely forgot about the lovely Precious Moments decorations! (Hee, hee!)

After the cake was cut...

Neal and Amy rode off into the sunset for a nice, relaxing week in Mexico. While I rushed back for my incredibly hectic work week...doesn't seem quite fair, does it?
It was a beautiful wedding and a fun weekend. And, now Elizabeth keeps calling "Aunt Amy Tate" on her toy phone, so I guess it's official! Congratulations, Amy and Neal!