Jonathan's Big Trip
Jonathan departed today at 2:00 for the Jessie Clark trip to Chicago. There are about 200 kids on 4 charter buses in route with an arrival time of 11:00 pm in the windy (and cold) city. The following is a list of places that are on the itinerary:
Navy Pier
Driving and Walking tour of the city (architecture, Chinatown etc)
Tommy Gun's Garage (some restaurant the teachers seem to love)
Hancock Observatory
Shedd Aquarium
Field Museum of Natural History
Woodfield Mall
Sears Tower
Museum of Science and Industry
Medieval Times dinner and jousting tournament
Of coarse I really don't expect to get a phone call or even see any pictures, but he is sure to have a good time, even if it is becuase of nothing more than rooming with 3 of his buddies with no adults in the room. They are on a strict schedule and with something to do all day until they leave to come home on Sunday. He will sleep all day Monday for sure. This is the 19th year that his school has gone on this trip. Maybe a teacher will snap a photo that we can put on the blog later.
ya know, i went to chicago in march...and i...didn't do any of that. i did, however, see a street oboist in the L (el?) terminal.
Wow, that's an ambitious itinerary. Kind of reminds me of those 4th grade trips we took the kids on to San Antonio. But Chicago in January? That's a whole 'nother animal!
Hope he stays warm and has a great time! Sounds like fun!
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