Not so sure about Santa
When Amy was here over Thanksgiving, we got the brilliant idea to take Elizabeth to see Santa before the lines got long. Have I mentioned how incredibly brilliant this idea was? I particularly gloated over this as we went to the mall this weekend and Elizabeth got to play in the playground while the other kids had to stand chained to their parents in the mile-long Santa line while looking wistfully at Elizabeth's freedom. We've definitely decided to make Santa a new family tradition at Thanksgiving!
There was absolutely nobody else there when we took Elizabeth, so Santa and his camera crew spent a good 20 minutes trying to get Elizabeth to smile for a picture. Of course, the operative word there is "trying." Elizabeth was very hesitant about the crazy man in the red velvet suit with the white beard. She didn't cry outright, but she did keep looking at me, making her sign for "Pick me up" and asking to be put back in her stroller (something she has never ever done before).
I actually really like the picture they got. I'm not sure who looks more terrified in it - Elizabeth or Santa. And, if you look at her hands, you can see her signing, "PICK ME UP!"

Don't worry - no permanent harm was done to her psyche. She immediately forgot the ordeal as soon as she got back to the stroller and got her rewards: a little snowman and a candy cane.

I'd say that was pretty successful. And yes, that's a great idea to go Thanksgiving weekend! And you have a classic picture with her signing! You could probably get that one published in a baby magazine.
Aack! More comment spam!
I've never seen that before, but I'm not surprised that it's out there.
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