Happy belated Turkey day!
Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! We sure did!
Aunt Amy came to visit, so we had a lot of fun playing with her. Unfortunately, Elizabeth had a cold, was teething, and was in extreme "Mommy" mode, so she wasn't as fun for Aunt Amy to play with this trip. We also don't have any pictures from the times she did spend playing with Aunt Amy, because the little stinker (meaning Elizabeth - Amy will now be referred to as the BIG stinker, to prevent confusion) wouldn't sit still for the camera. Elizabeth also amused us all by learning to say "AAAAA-MEEEEE" with a strong Southern twang.
Here's a picture of Granddad reading her "Big Bird Book" (or "buh-buh-buh" to the people who have trouble understanding toddler-ese) to Elizabeth:

And, here are some pictures of Elizabeth all dressed up for Thanksgiving dinner:

As you can see, her nose is looking much better!
Happy belated Thanskgiving to you, too! We're very thankful for all of you.
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