It's great to be a fuzzy bee*
*For all those Georgia Tech fans out there....

Happy Halloween! Elizabeth dressed up as a fuzzy bee (aka Georgia Tech yellow jacket) for Halloween this year. She even charmed Mommy with a few well-placed "buzz" sounds. She had a little more trouble with, "Go Jackets...Sting 'Em!", but we'll cut her a little bit of slack on that one.

Jonathan camped out on the front porch with his original 1970s Darth Vader mask and handed out candy to the kids.

He and David also continued the little-known pyromaniac Halloween tradition of burning empty candy boxes on the front porch while waiting for more kids.
David and I took Elizabeth around to a few of our immediate neighbors - mainly as an excuse to show her off. She really liked trick-or-treating once she figured out it resulted in candy. Of course, she wanted to eat all the candy as soon as she got it. We compromised by giving her a lollipop, which she spent most of the evening sucking away on. She did, however, continue to charm the neighbors by waving to them in between lollipop licks.

When we got back to the house, we had a final Halloween treat waiting for us - a box full of Beanie Babies from Cousyn Robyn.

She had a lot of fun playing with those! And, of course they all got lots of kisses:

Thanks, Robyn!!!
Cutest little yellow jacket I ever saw! Have fun with all the beanies (and beware, they have a habit of multiplying....).
Yes, I know how hard it must have been for you, Robyn. I was in shock when I opened the package! I told David your mom might have snuck them to us while you were out of town...
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