Family resemblance
I think we've finally figured out who Elizabeth looks like....Jonathan! At least with their current hairstyles, that's for sure. We made a deal last year with Jonathan that he could grow his hair longer (although it's not allowed to completely cover his eyes) if he kept his grades up. He just brought a report card home with all A's and one B, so he's definitely keeping up his end of the bargain! Here's a picture of his latest 'do from the side. This is actually shorter than he wants it, but we do make him get it cut every once in a while.

And, here's Elizabeth from the side. I'm trying to grow her hair out, including her bangs, but it's at the really scraggly stage now. It's really cute when she lets us put barrettes or pigtails in, but most of the time she pulls those right out, so it's a never-ending battle to try to put her hair up.

I also think Elizabeth's ready for winter...she insisted on wearing her snowboots with her pajamas this morning.

She hasn't taken a single step by herself since her first one a week and a half ago - although she walks all over the place when she has someone else's hand to hold onto. David and I are to the point where we're willing to let her wear any shoes she wants to, as long as she'll walk alone in them. We're hoping she'll try that soon!
Nice go-go boots!
Have no fear---one day Jonathan will outgrow the long hair thing, and Elizabeth will decide she wants hers to curl!
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