It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Central Kentucky had absolutely beautiful, unseasonal weather through the Thanksgiving weekend (~65 degrees and sunny) We took advantage of it by getting a big head start at putting up our Christmas decorations. David, Jonathan, and I had a lot of fun putting lights and decorations all over our front yard. Sure, maybe we went overboard, but it looks pretty festive! Or, as Amy (aka Scrooge) put it, "It looks like Christmas vomited all over your front yard." Bah, Humbug to you, too! :)
Over Thanksgiving weekend, Jonathan and David worked on decorating our big tree out front:

And Elizabeth supervised the festivities while playing in the front yard and on her swing.

Jonathan and I even went up on the roof to throw decorations off onto one of our trees:

This continued David's and my little-known Christmas tradition of hanging off roofs - the first Christmas we spent together, I convinced him to hold onto a rope from the peak of my very steep roof and lower me down so I could complete my Christmas light display!
It was a pleasant change to put out the decorations in short sleeves - instead of heavy winter coats and gloves! The warm weather lasted about 5 days, then we had a day of heavy winds. Fortunately, the decorations only required minor repairs after that. We've also finished putting up all our interior decorations - including both Christmas trees. Time to start the Christmas carols!
Somehow I doubt Brad would be willing to hang me off of a roof for Christmas decorations! Well, maybe in our early dating days when he yet hadn't developed the skill of saying no to me....
Well Auny Amy you will be glad to know that I have moved the orange mums to the back yard where they sit lonely and sad becuase they really want to be with the pretty pansies. Of coarse after the frost we had last night, I don't think the pansies or mums will be much to look at and the decorations will be the only colorfull things to see.
I'm willing to tie you up, but I'm not sure about hanging you off the roof...
David, post a pic of the lights at night!
Umm, Brad, that TMI....
Uh oh, looks like I'm going to have to start censoring comments around here! You forget, that's my baby sister you're talking about! Nighttime picture coming up shortly....
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