"Don't eat Baby Jesus!"
When you have children, you expect to say lots of things. Like "Eat your vegetables," or "Hold my hand while we cross the street," or "Stop touching your brother," or maybe even "Don't put peas in your nose." And, of course, "I love you." But, there's one thing I never ever dreamed I'd have to say, "Don't eat Baby Jesus!"
Elizabeth has her own little wooden Nativity set, which she absolutely loves to play with. It only has 5 characters: Mary, Joseph, Baby Jesus, a donkey, and a sheep.

The characters sometimes do things you wouldn't expect - like jumping in the trunk of Elizabeth's car to ride around or going for a ride in Noah's Ark. And, for some reason, Elizabeth is convinced that Joseph rode the donkey into Bethlehem while a 9-month-pregnant Mary had to walk. And, since she's obsessed with babies, she of course loves to give Baby Jesus lots of kisses.

However, sometimes she succumbs to toddler tendencies, leaving me to exclaim: "Elizabeth, don't eat Baby Jesus!"

I don't know which is worse -- trying to eat Jesus or the little glass Christmas balls that Brooke is fond of putting in her mouth. The mantra around our house is, "NO! NO BALLS! DON'T touch the balls! Noooooo!!!"
And actually, I remember that I liked to carry the baby Jesus from our toy nativity around in my mouth until I was about six. We might want to inspect him for teeth marks. I guess it runs in the family.
So you think she's into transubstantiation, huh? Need to remind her that us Protestants don't go for that!
Brooke loves to kiss the Baby Jesus in our ceramic nativity too, and that always feels Catholic for some reason! :)
I bet you didn't know you were going to spark a theological discussion with this one! When we take the Lord's Supper, the words are recited, "This is my body, broken for you." Elizabeth must really be paying attention in church!
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