Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Lots of loveys

Elizabeth is a precocious child. While most children are happy with one lovey - say a blanket or a stuffed animal - Elizabeth has FOUR: Baby Elmo, Barney, and her two blankets (a pink one and a yellow one). I think that even beats Cousyn Robyn and her bunnies! With all of those, plus her, my arms are pretty full at bedtime. She also loves to play with all of them, plus her pillow case and pillow (which for some reason always have to be separate), so they usually all come out of the crib at some time during the day.

Here's a picture of her putting Barney and Elmo to sleep:

Notice how they're both facedown. She has always slept on her belly, so she always puts her baby dolls and stuffed animals down "to sleep" that way too.

Elizabeth also has another new favorite toy - laundry baskets.

She particularly loves to pile all her loveys into them. Then, she'll usually point at the basket and say, "In there", which means she wants to get in there with them too.


At 10:32 AM, January 10, 2007, Blogger KyTexBeth said...

Has she taken up residence in the dog's cage yet? I'm sure Lyra would love to share her space with Elizabeth and all her loveys!

At 1:20 PM, January 11, 2007, Blogger Brad said...

Take hope - Brooke's need for "Ba-Ba" has dropped significantly. Now she just wants to play "Tackle Daddy"!


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