Sorry I've been slow in posting this's been pretty hectic around here. I had a seminar to go to last week, plus my office is in the process of moving. Aack!
Fortunately, David has had extra help at home. Elizabeth has decided that she must be allowed to help with the laundry and dishwashing duties. She has her own special tasks. As the washing machine is being loaded, she'll sit on the dryer and throw each piece of laundry into the machine, then reach for more:
Give me some clothes, Daddy!

Into the machine it goes!

More, more!!!

Then, it's off to help with the dishes. She insists on helping empty the silverware compartment, handing each piece up to us to put away.

It's pretty cute to watch!
Elizabeth is now walking everywhere, in the combination Frankenstein/ drunken sailor gait of the newly walking toddler. Unfortunately, she's also had her share of spills...including doing a not-so-graceful faceplant into the concrete driveway. This resulted in a large scab on her nose that led to the church folks affectionately dubbing her "Rudolph." Of course, that happened right before we were planning to take our pictures for our Christmas cards, so you all might be getting them a little late as we wait for her nose to heal a bit more.
Here's her new look:

Her latest addiction is doing "ABCs" on the computer through She also likes to draw ABCs on her doodleboard...well, we draw them, then she scribbles a little bit.

David's mother (BB) is visiting us this week, and we're all really enjoying having her around. Elizabeth alternates between asking for "BB" and "ma-man" (aka "snowman", another new obsession), which is a very high honor for BB!
Elizabeth has a new Barney Christmas book, which shows Baby Bop drawing a picture of a snowman for Barney. Everytime we read that, Elizabeth makes us pull out some paper and her crayons so she can draw a snowman for him too. Of course, I'm always glad to know what she's drawing in advance, since it's sometimes hard to decipher one scribble from another!
We all went to the Kentucky Horse Park to see Southern Lights tonight. I tried to get a picture of Jonathan and Elizabeth in front of their Christmas tree, but that's pretty difficult with a wiggling toddler. This was the best shot we got:

After driving through the lights, we went into the petting zoo. BB and Jonathan liked the animals, but Elizabeth was a tad bit scared of all of them - which is pretty understandable seeing how big they were compared to her. Jonathan got to make another sand art sculpture, while the rest of us tried to keep Elizabeth out of the sand. Then, we all walked through the miniature train and photography exhibits. It was a lot of fun!