The guessing game
David and I are very alike. We're both Type A, anal personalities, which is probably why we get along so well. When problems arise, we both like to quickly: 1) assess the problem, 2) identify the possible solutions, 3) select a solution and implement it. No time for wishy-washiness, just fix the problem and go on to the next one. You probably could have guessed that when our wedding took place 5 months after we started dating. :)
However, this outlook on life is not always possible with a baby. Today, Elizabeth was Ms. Grumpy Pants, which is completely unlike her. She's normally a very happy baby who sleeps and eats fairly well. But today, she wouldn't eat, she wouldn't sleep, and she screamed bloody murder all the way home from church. It made us truly appreciate what an easy baby she normally is!
So, when your baby is "out of sorts," you start playing the guessing game. She has a stuffy that making her feel bad? She still has no teeth....could they actually be coming in? Does she have an ear infection with no other symptoms? Or, is she just grumpy? Aack! Our normal "divide and conquer" way of handling life doesn't work if you can't figure out what is wrong. In fact, I was just left feeling completely helpless. I kept asking her to just tell me what was wrong so I could fix it, but no doing. Fortunately, she went to bed fairly easily and is sleeping soundly now. Hopefully, she'll be back to normal tomorrow!
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