Straight A's!!!
Jonathan brought his report card home yesterday, and he had straight A's. He even had 100% averages in 2 classes. We're so proud of him! He has adapted to middle school like a champ.
His elective subjects for this new semester are modular tech (a fancy version of shop that includes computers) and art. He has to choose a project for mod tech and he's trying to decide between 2 computer projects and a project that involves designing and building a bridge. Since he has 2 uncles that graduated from Georgia Tech and are now doing computers, as well as me being a Structural Engineer from Tech, we've decided it's time to go ahead and teach him the "Ramblin' Wreck"! On a sidenote - David has told me the "Ramblin' Wreck" is not an appropriate lullaby for the baby....sheesh! :)
Speaking of the baby, Jon is a fabulous big brother. Elizabeth absolutely adores him. She squeals and smiles everytime she sees him. Here are some pics from playtime tonight:

Elizabeth is also learning new things daily. She now knows her 2nd sign - the one for the word "yeah". She demonstrated this when I put teething medicine in her mouth...that really made her excited! She also is now getting up on all fours and rocking back and forth, so crawling is just around the corner!

LOVE the blog!
There's a little gleam in her eyes, as if she's letting you know that once she starts crawling, you'd better watch out!
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