Planning her attack
Things have gone very smoothly with introducing Lyra to the household. Lyra is a great dog. She's extremely well trained - she doesn't jump, doesn't bark, and doesn't chase the cat. Plus, she's just like a big white teddy bear. Even I am falling in love with her.
Scarlet, however, remains unconvinced. Although Lyra pretty much ignores her, I think Scarlet is secretly planning her attack. Something tells me it will be aerial....

We think Elizabeth is teething. Of course, we've though Elizabeth was teething for the past 3 months, and she has yet to actually get any teeth. But, she's starting to drool and chew a lot. Plus, she was pretty fussy this evening. Fortunately, the Hyland's teething tablets and Tylenol did the trick. Hopefully, those pearly whites will pop through soon.
Jonathan heads to the orthodontist tomorrow for the first step toward braces. Teething and braces all in one week. We sure have a wide variety!
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