Things that melt my heart
Being a mommy has made me much more sentimental. It started at the very moment they placed Elizabeth in my arms at the hospital, when I just teared up and started to cry. Now, I even cry at the mushy e-mails and commercials!
There are several times everyday when I just look at my family and realize how truly blessed I am.
I love watching David with Elizabeth and Jon. David has always been a wonderful husband, and he is just an incredible father. Watching him with the baby makes me fall more in love with him everyday. We're blessed that he has been able to stay home with her, and it really has created a special relationship between the 2 of them.

I also love watching Jon interact with Elizabeth. We worried before she was born about how Elizabeth would affect him (somewhat in a negative way), but I never imagined what a positive effect she would have on him.

Aren't they starting to look a lot alike?
He loves to play with her and make her smile and laugh (which he always seems to be able to do). He even lets her give him big wet kisses:

Well, I'm not sure how this blog entry turned so sappy, but I have to tell you about a special moment this morning. I was pumping on the floor next to Elizabeth's crib, while she was sleeping. She woke up and pulled down the bumper to play our morning "Peek-a-boo" game. When she saw me there, her mouth opened into a big gummy grin, and she clearly said "MAMA." Her first word! Now, talk about a mommy's heart melting...
Ahhh, Amy....just label our blog, "The Sears Blog"....come see my softer side. :)
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