And the answer is....
(C) An ear infection.
Although she acted pretty normal for most of the day yesterday, Elizabeth was up for most of last night and was obviously in a lot of pain. A trip to the doctor today quickly revealed she had an ear infection. We'll pump her full of Tylenol and Amoxicillin and hopefully she'll be better soon. The amazing thing is that, although she was out of sorts and a little grumpy yesterday, she was still smiling and playing quite a bit, which is why we kept thinking she was just teething at first. Guess she hasn't learned the art of high drama yet from some of her other family members...
The next round of the guessing game will include a variation of Name that Tune...we'll try to, "Name that illness in ___ nights." Hopefully, we'll get it down to less than 2 next time!
At the doctor's we did find out that Elizabeth now weighs 16 pounds and is 26.75 inches long at almost 9 months. That puts her in the 25th percentile for weight and the 50th percentile for height.
I'm afraid we have no grumpy pictures for Aunt Amy. For some reason, when we were awakened at 11:00, 11:45, 12:30, 3:00, 4:30 and 6:00 last night, we didn't think to pull out the camera and take a picture of the screaming baby.
So, instead I offer the following comparison of a picture of Elizabeth in her swing taken about a week ago (8-1/2 months) compared with a picture of her at 4 weeks. My, how she has grown!

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