A Bug's Life - enough already!

Elizabeth's obsession for the week is the movie A Bug's Life. She's had the movie for some time and a friend of ours gave her a series of books based on the movie a while back. But, it wasn't until this past week when her cousin Brooke was here and they both watched the movie (many times) and read the books (even more times) together that Elizabeth's obsession started. I always know when a movie obsession is here, because it means she wants me to pretend to act out the movie with her...over and over and over and over again. And, this movie obsession is even worse than the others she's had - mainly because she's starting to remember more of the scenes, which means it takes a lot longer to act it out. Not to mention the fact that the movie has a ton of characters, and there are only 2 of us, so each of us has to pretend to be about a dozen different bugs throughout the course of the movie. It's mind-numbing and exhausting, all at once.
On Sunday afternoon, after the 3rd round of the Bug's Life reenactment, I had reached my limit. I was lamenting the fact that the weather was nasty and we couldn't play outside. But, then, I stumbled upon a moment of pure parenting genius. I brought up one of the big boxes that our furniture had come in. I told her we could turn it into a house...or a ship...or anything we could think of. The possibilities were endless.
She was really excited:
And, I was too...until she told me what the box was going to be...the ant colony...and it was time for the Bug's Life game to start all over again...sigh...somebody please squish me and put me out of my misery.