Family resemblance
Whenever a baby is born, people immediately start telling you which parent they think the baby looks like. In my experience, people who are closer to the father think the baby looks like the father, and vice versa with the mother. I always found it ironic that friends of my father would tell me I looked just like him, when I actually have a much stronger resemblance to my mother (at least as an adult).
My sister Amy has an almost 8-week-old baby boy, who we visited with in Arkansas last week. We had to admit that Baby William does look a lot like his father. However, I told Amy that he also reminded me a lot of Elizabeth at that age. Since Amy and I look a lot alike and Elizabeth is my mini-me, that makes me think that William may actually resemble his mother as well.
Here's a recent picture of William smiling that Amy posted on her blog:
And, here's one of Elizabeth at almost the same age:

Although William is not sporting the classy spiked hair look, he would definitely pass for Elizabeth's "little brother," as she now claims he is!
Wow, he does resemble Elizabeth!
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