I think she's figured it out
We took Elizabeth to visit Santa for the first time in 2006, when she was 1-1/2 years old. She was terrified, and judging from the picture, I think Santa was too:

Last year, Elizabeth went to visit Santa again. She sat on his lap that time, because she really wanted a dollhouse, but she was still very hesitant, again as the picture shows:
I think this year's picture doesn't need much of an explanation:
She knows who to suck up to now, don't you think? :)

She only wanted one thing from Santa this year - a "pink spotted elephant." It's actually the polka-dotted elephant from the Island of Misfit Toys on the Rudolph Christmas special:

There's a picture of the elephant in one of her books, and she decided a few weeks ago that the ONLY thing she wants for Christmas from Santa is that elephant.
Fortunately, Mrs. Claus knows about eBay, seeing as the elephants haven't actually been made for the last few years. I emphasize the word "fortunately," because today Santa told her that his elves would make one for her and put it on his sleigh for her. Now, how crazy is that? There are going to be some parents coming around to shoot Santa if he's promising to bring everything that's asked for. That's kind of scary!
But, Elizabeth took it to heart, because tonight while I was reading her Rudolph book to her at bedtime, as soon as she saw the picture of the elephant, she stopped me and yelled, "Mommy! Santa and his elves are making that for me RIGHT NOW!!!!" Ah....the magic of Christmas!
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