Monday, November 03, 2008


Those of you who grew up in Lexington may be surprised to hear that Champs (the old skating rink) is still in business. The location has moved, but it actually still looks eerily the same on the interior. Although, I do think it smells a little bit better. And, they still have the old roller skate car parked out front. But, I have to say I was pretty insulted to see an antique license plate on the front of it!

I know all of this because we went roller skating with our church youth group last night. Elizabeth was especially excited, not only because she got to go roller skating for the first time, but because she got to do it with Jonathan's friends!

She actually did pretty well, considering it was her first time, and she's not known for her physical coordination.

She even got enough courage to go slowly around the rink with David:

Of course, Jonathan was much faster - but in all fairness, he has had a lot more practice!


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