Little black kitties
Elizabeth absolutely loves cats. She's going to be a black cat for Halloween (or a "black titty" for those who don't understand her Pre-schoolese). And, until now, her favorite stuffed animal was a little black and white "kitten" (I actually think it's a baby tiger) named Shazam. Last week, she got to take a stuffed animal to school, and she was so excited that Shazam got to go with her.
But, this week, I think poor Shazam has met his match. Last night, my friend Carolyn came over and gave Elizabeth a treat - a little black and white Beanie Baby kitten. I don't think she had any idea how well that was going to go over with Elizabeth, but she struck gold.
After much discussion, Elizabeth decided to name her new kitten "Oreo." Oreo has been the focus of all of her activities today and she has taken Oreo and Shazam with her everywhere she's gone. She claims the two kittens are best friends, but she also says that she's their Mommy, which means they are brother and sister. I have a feeling there's going to be some pretty bad sibling rivalry going on here pretty soon. Because, although Elizabeth loves both her babies, she's been showing a little preferential treatment toward Oreo. After all, this is how I found her sleeping in bed last night:
Yes, that's little Oreo tucked under her arm so sweetly. And, if you look closely, you can see one of Shazam's paws in the upper corner of the picture piled on top of all her other stuffed kitties.
Speaking from one younger sibling to another, I think poor Oreo better watch her back....
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