Wednesday, January 21, 2009

16 Random Things About Me

I recently succumbed to Facebook, and over there I've been tagged several times by friends that want to know random things about me. The first tags asked for 16 things. I procrastinated on that because it sounded like too much effort. But then the later tags asked for 25 things, which made the 16 look pretty good. Before the number gets raised even higher, here I go with the original 16:

1. I fell in love with UK basketball when Kenny Walker was playing and no other player will live up to him in my eyes.
2. My tape collection from Junior High School is hidden in my attic. I'm too embarassed to throw them away because I'm afraid the garbage man will laugh. (Seriously - Madonna? Tiffany? Gag!)
3. There are pictures floating around of me somewhere in cyberspace that I hope nobody ever finds.
4. I absolutely love my job and I absolutely love my family, but I really struggle with finding balance between work and home. Most of the time, I feel like I'm not giving enough to either one.
5. Electric Company was way cooler than Sesame Street. And, Mr. Rogers was only good during the Neighborhood of Make Believe.
6. I failed my first driver's test. But, I still blame my dad, because he made me take it in a car I'd never driven before.
7. I'm addicted to Strawberry Chip ice cream from Graeters. My addiction is so strong that we went there with Elizabeth on the day she came home from the hospital. Fortunately, they only sell it a few months out of the year.
8. I started running at age 26 and love it, mainly because it helps me hide my addiction from #7. I'm going to try to train for a half-marathon this year.
9. Before I married David Dicks, I dated someone with the last name of Cox. Hmmmm...
10. I skipped the 7th grade. As far as I can tell, the only things I really missed were dissecting frogs and geography. I hate frogs and slimy things, so that's a plus for me, but I'm still bad at geography.
11. I tend to be very blunt, but I'm fairly good at holding my tongue. So, if you don't want to know what I think, don't ask.
12. I have the best husband in the whole world. I don't think I'm as good a spouse as my husband is to me. I don't deserve him, but I thank God every day for him.
13. I have trouble making good friends, but I truly cherish the ones that I have - even if I don't write or call very often.
14. I've made some really bad choices in my life, and I pray my children won't make the same ones. But, I also pray they won't make different bad choices either.
15. I used to be terrified of having children, but now I actually think I'm a pretty good mother.
16. I fell in love with Jesus at age 28. Those who knew me before that will know that you've never strayed too far to find Him!

Sorry if you asked for 25 and got shorted! I'm posting this on the blog instead of Facebook, because David hasn't fallen into the evil trap of Facebook yet, and I don't want him to feel left out. Plus, I just set up my Facebook account to import my blog posts and I want to see if it works.


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