Although the calendar says October, we're still experiencing summerlike days in the Bluegrass. We're also in the middle of a moderate drought. That means we've had gorgeous blue skies and sunny days for almost 3 weeks straight. As someone who works outside most of the time, I'm definitely not complaining! So, although it looks like fall outside (the trees seem to have given up on waiting for cool temperatures and have started to change anyway), it feels like gorgeous summer weather. Today was again unseasonably warm (~85 degrees), clear and sunny, so we decided to take advantage of it.
This morning, David washed and cleaned both of our cars. Elizabeth helped for a little bit:

Here's an action shot:

Now, I figure she's trained to participate in pretty much any extracurricular activity, as she'll be able to work the mandatory fund-raising carwash event.
After that, we headed to
McConnell Springs. It is speculated that the settlers of the city decided on the name of "Lexington" while sitting around one of the springs here in June 1775. As someone who was born and raised in Lexington, it's kind of surprising that I'd never been there before. They had some really nice, short trails to walk along, and we had a great time exploring and seeing lots of neat bugs and trees - including a huge, old Bur Oak tree. The water in the Springs were down (thanks to the aforementioned drought), so although it was still pretty, we decided we'll have to go back sometime when the water is up because I'm sure it will be really neat to see then.
Here are some pictures we took of the beautiful scenery:

(That one's pretty fuzzy, but you can see how big the tree was!)
Elizabeth is still getting over the croup/cold she's been fighting for a couple of weeks now, plus she got up in the middle of the night and then again early this morning. So, she fell asleep in the car and spent most of the time at McConnell Springs sleeping in her stroller:

But, she did wake up in time to see part of it and enjoy a picnic lunch!