Friday, January 19, 2007

Our little helper

A few weeks ago, we decided to change out the baby gate at the top of our stairs. David was using our drill to put the screws for the new brackets in, when Elizabeth ran to her room, grabbed her toy saw, and came back to "help" Daddy. It was very cute!

Here's a picture of the new gate - as well as the pretty green color David painted in the foyer. It's quite an improvement!

Elizabeth is also very excited about the new plant in our living room, because she gets to help water it. Of course, it would drown if we let her water it as often as she wants to, so she has to "practice" a lot. It probably doesn't hurt that the watering can is yellow....another favorite color of hers. I just hope the plant is hardy, because she sometimes gives it a beating trying to get her watering can in.


At 12:08 PM, January 24, 2007, Blogger Erin said...

That's a mighty fine looking gate you've got there! What a good helper.


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