Maintaining and creating memories at Crestridge
Last weekend, we went to Camp Crestridge for Girls in the beautiful Blue Ridge mountains of North Carolina. From the ages of 10 through 17, I spent every summer at Crestridge, and it holds a very special place in my heart. Jonathan will be going to Camp Ridgecrest, the boys camp equivalent, for the 3rd time this summer and Elizabeth is already being well prepared to be a Crestridge Cutiepie:

The Crestridge alumnae association holds a work weekend (Maintain the Memories) every year to help the camp prepare for opening day, by raking unfathomable amounts of leaves and placing mulch everywhere, planting, pruning, cleaning, painting, etc. It's a lot of work, but a lot of fun, and very rewarding for everyone involved. This year, we went and met the Hobbs family there as well. And, of course, we took some photos for everyone.
Here's a picture of Elizabeth with her Mommy in the Bear Trap:

And hanging out with the new Crestridge bear - which is concrete and won't rot. Yeah!

Here she is with Daddy outside the Dining Hall:

Here is the Hobbs family outside the Dining Hall also:

Jonathan worked very hard all day, then spent most of the afternoon and evening playing 4-square, honing his skills for this summer at Ridgecrest:

Everyone paused for S-Mores at the end of the day, and Elizabeth even got to taste her first marshmallow. She thought it was very yummy and enjoyed squishing it in her hands and making a mess!
Unfortunately, Elizabeth was feeling pretty bad throughout most of the weekend, and she was diagnosed with a bad sinus infection. She had lots of eye drainage for the last 24 hours, which has really irritated her eye and given her the appearance of a boxer, hence her new nickname "Rocky".

Poor Elizabeth! Hope she feels better soon. :(
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