12 month stats
Elizabeth had her 12-month doctor's appointment this week. Drumroll please...
Weight: 17.8 pounds (5th percentile)
Height: 28.25 inches (20th percentile)
Yes, she's our little peanut! But, the doctor was pleased with her progress and said she was very healthy. For some reason, after looking at me and David, he thought she should be petite....go figure! She even took her MMR shot like a champ, although it did cause some mild fever and grumpiness later that night. All in all, a good visit.
It looks like she'll be rear-facing in her car seat for several more months, since the requirements to turn her around are that she has to be 1 year *and* 20 pounds.
Jonathan also had his camp physical this week. He was very pleased that it was just a "quick" physical and he didn't have to get any shots. He's definitely shot-a-phobic and was not in the least inclined to take his sister's shots for her either!
Yeah, the tetanus shots are the worst. That's what you get for being a world traveler!
Aw, quit your whining. We won't go into details about what Uncle Ben and Aunt Beth endured this week...suffice it to say that you'll find out when you reach 50 years of age!
Wow, now you're even getting spam on your blog!
Yeah, pretty impressive, huh? Fortunately, we also figured out how to delete comments!
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