Ch-ch-ch-changing churches and babies
We've been in the process of looking for a new church. Although we absolutely love the services and minister at Southland, we felt led to find a smaller church at which we could become a true part of the church community. It's quite a daunting process. After a lot of discussion and prayer about different churches in Lexington, we decided to try Hill-n-Dale Christian Church. We were overwhelmed by the positive response we got upon visiting HND. We were introduced to 3 of the 4 ministers during our first Sunday visit, the nursery workers are awesome with Elizabeth (even though she had missed her nap and was teething), Jonathan has really enjoyed the youth ministry so far, plus David and I even started singing with the choir the first week. Not to mention, they gave us a home-made loaf of banana bread just for visiting the first Sunday! We really feel like God has led us into a wonderful new Church community that our family can become an active part of. We're excited to get Jon involved with the youth group, plus there are several little girls right around Elizabeth's age that we will enjoy watching her grow up with.
We're still waiting on Elizabeth's top 2 front teeth to come in. There are big bulges there and she's been really cranky lately, so we figure it will be anytime now. On top of that, she's had a stomach bug all weekend, which she managed to pass to me last night. Ahhhh....the wonderful smells of vomit and toxic diapers. Is that the "new baby smell" everyone raves about so much? :) Fortunately, she's doing better now, because I'm about to leave town for 3 days for a work seminar. Let's just hope David doesn't come down with it while I'm gone!
Speaking of changes....diaper changing has become an Olympic sport at our house. Elizabeth thinks there are way too many better things to do than lie still for a diaper change. She has mastered the "alligator roll" - where she uses all her tiny might to try to roll over while she's being changed. It's amazing how strong she is!

We often have to give up and try to change her standing up. That can get quite interesting!

But, ultimately, she forgive us for the "torture" of diaper changing. As soon as we put her down, she's off and running (or crawling) again!

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